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Before Contacting Customer Service

  1. Review Policies and Documentation:
    • Check the company’s website for FAQs, terms and conditions, and relevant documentation. Understand the company’s policies, warranty information, and return/exchange procedures.
  2. Prepare Information:
    • Have relevant information ready, such as order numbers, account details, and product/service information.Take note of the date and time of your purchase or when the issue occurred.

Contacting Customer Service:

  1. Choose the Right Channel:
    • Use the preferred contact method specified by the company (phone, email, chat).Social media can be effective, but direct channels are often more reliable.
  2. Be Clear and Concise:
    • Clearly explain the issue or question in a concise manner.Provide necessary details but avoid unnecessary information.
  3. Most Importantly Remain Calm and Polite:
    • Maintain a calm and polite tone, even if you’re frustrated.Remember that customer service representatives are there to help – please bear in mind that any aggression or raised voice could potentially result in the agents terminating the call which will decrease your chances of a faster resolution.

During the Interaction:

  1. Ask for the Representative’s Name:
    • Note the name of the representative for future reference.
  2. Take Notes:
    • Document key points, such as the steps suggested or promises made during the conversation.
  3. Seek Clarification:
    • If you don’t understand something, ask for clarification. Miscommunication can lead to further issues.
  4. Stay Focused on the Issue:
    • Avoid going off-topic. Stay focused on resolving the primary concern –  going off topic or discussing problems that have previously been dealt with could slow the agent down in escalating the issue and having any issues resolved much sooner. 
  5. Request a Timeline:
    • Ask for an estimated timeline for issue resolution or follow-up and note it down.

If the Issue Persists:

  1. Escalate If Necessary:
    • If your concern is not resolved, politely ask to speak to a supervisor or escalate the issue to a higher level.
  2. Use Social Media:
    • If applicable, consider reaching out on social media platforms. Companies often monitor these channels closely for public relations reasons.

After the Interaction:

  1. Follow Up:
    • If promised a resolution or follow-up, wait until the specified time and follow up if necessary.
  2. Provide Feedback:
    • Share your feedback about the service, whether positive or negative. This helps companies improve their processes.
  3. Document Everything:
    • Keep a record of your interactions, including dates, names, and details discussed, for future reference.

General Tips:

  • Patience is Key:
    • Dealing with customer service may take time, so be patient throughout the process.
  • Know Your Rights:
    • Familiarise yourself with consumer rights and protection laws applicable in your region.
  • Use Online Resources:
    • Online forums, reviews, and customer communities can sometimes provide additional insights or solutions.

Remember, effective communication and a positive attitude can go a long way in resolving issues with customer service. Please always have your order number, tracking number or receipt to hand when dealing with customer service and the fastest resolution is always going to be to directly go to the company that you paid. 

Courier companies can not issue reimbursement if you are the recipient and have not received your parcel so always escalate to the retailer that you purchased the product from (they have paid for the delivery and insurances so would be able to directly claim against the courier company and also be in a position to process a refund or replacement if needed).

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