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A Brief History of AUTODOC: Innovating Car Parts Retail

AUTODOC, a leading online retailer of car parts, was founded with the mission to revolutionise the automotive aftermarket industry by making vehicle repairs accessible, affordable, and straightforward for everyone. Here is an in-depth look at the company’s history, highlighting its key milestones and achievements.

The Genesis: From Frustration to Innovation

The story of the company began in 2008 when Vitalij Kungel faced an exorbitant charge for a simple headlight bulb replacement on his Citroen Xsara. The garage charged him €60 for a service involving a bulb that cost less than €5. This experience sparked an idea in Vitalij to create a business that could offer car parts at fair prices and empower consumers to undertake minor repairs themselves. Sharing his vision with friends Alexej Erdle and Max Wegner, the trio embarked on a journey to democratise car repairs.

In 2008, they launched an online shop named pkwteile.de, primarily catering to the German market. The first product sold was a bulb, symbolically priced at one euro, reflecting their commitment to affordability. This initial success paved the way for what would become a multinational enterprise.

Timeline of Key Milestones

2008: Foundation of the brand

  • Founded in Berlin-Weißensee.

2009: First Employees

  • AUTODOC hires its first employees.

2010: First Warehouse

  • Due to strong growth, the company moves to Rhinstraße 49 in Berlin and opens its first warehouse.

2011: Expansion to Austria and Switzerland

  • The online shop expands to include Austria and Switzerland.

2012: Further European Expansion

  • AUTODOC enters the markets of Spain, Italy, the UK, and France.

2013: Launch of STARK Brand

  • AUTODOC launches its own product brand, STARK.

2014: New Headquarters and Eastern Europe Expansion

  • The brand establishes new headquarters in Berlin-Lichtenberg.
  • Launches online shops in Eastern European markets.

2015: IT and Marketing in Ukraine

  • AUTODOC establishes a location for IT and online marketing in Odesa, Ukraine.

2016: Second Warehouse and Revenue Milestone

  • Opens a second warehouse in Berlin-Lichtenberg.
  • Annual revenue exceeds €100 million for the first time.
  • Launches their own app for iOS and Android and its own brand RIDEX.

2018: Revenue and Logistics Expansion

  • Achieves annual revenue of more than €400 million in the tenth year after its foundation.
  • Establishes a new logistics location in Szczecin, Poland.

2019: Office and Logistics Expansion

  • Moves to new office space in Berlin-Charlottenburg.
  • Expands logistics capacities in Szczecin and Berlin by around 8,500 m².
  • Launches online platform AUTODOC CLUB.

2020: Expansion to Ireland and New Programmes

  • Starts sales activities in Ireland, expanding to 27 European countries.
  • Launches new AUTODOC CLUB app for iOS and Android and the AUTODOC PLUS programme.

2021: Conversion to Stock Corporation

  • Autodoc GmbH is converted into a stock corporation (AG) on 8 September 2021.

2022: Brand Relaunch and New Initiatives

  • Major brand relaunch; first TV commercial on German television; first international campaigns.
  • Launches AUTODOC PRO for professionals in France.
  • AUTODOC AG is converted into a European Company (Societas Europaea, SE) on 16 November 2022.
  • Opens a new logistics hub in Szczecin, Poland.

Growth and Expansion: Building a Comprehensive Platform

The company quickly grew from its modest beginnings. The founders’ commitment to providing a wide range of high-quality car parts at competitive prices resonated with consumers. The company’s product range expanded to include parts for cars, trucks, and motorbikes, sourced from numerous reputable brands. This extensive inventory ensures that customers can find parts for virtually any vehicle, irrespective of its make or model.

A significant aspect of AUTODOC’s growth strategy was its investment in a user-friendly online platform. The website was designed to be intuitive, making it easy for customers to search for and order parts. Additionally, AUTODOC introduced a robust customer support system, available in 23 languages, to assist with any queries and ensure a smooth shopping experience.

Empowering DIY Repairs: Knowledge and Support

Beyond just selling parts, AUTODOC has always emphasised empowering its customers. Recognising that many people are deterred from performing car repairs due to a lack of knowledge, the company provides a wealth of resources to bridge this gap. The company offers detailed PDF guides and video tutorials through platforms like YouTube and AUTODOC CLUB. These resources cover a wide range of repairs, from simple tasks like replacing bulbs to more complex procedures, enabling customers to confidently undertake repairs themselves.

Moreover, AUTODOC’s expert chat support offers real-time assistance, ensuring that customers can get immediate help when needed. This comprehensive support system not only saves customers money but also fosters a sense of accomplishment and self-reliance.

Sustainability and Community: Beyond Business

AUTODOC’s commitment extends beyond business success; it encompasses a broader vision of sustainability and community support. By encouraging and enabling DIY repairs, the company helps extend the lifespan of vehicles, reducing waste and conserving resources. This approach aligns with modern values of sustainability, making car maintenance more eco-friendly.

The company’s ethos of making mobility easy, transparent, sustainable, and affordable is reflected in its operations and partnerships. AUTODOC collaborates with selected garages to offer transparent and fair services for more complex repairs that may be beyond the average customer’s capability. This ensures that customers have reliable options for all their repair needs, whether they choose to do it themselves or seek professional help.

Global Reach and Workforce Diversity

From its origins in Germany, AUTODOC has expanded its footprint across Europe, serving millions of customers. The company’s workforce, consisting of around 5,000 employees from over 50 nationalities, operates across six countries. This diverse and talented team is integral to AUTODOC’s success, driving innovation and ensuring that the company remains at the forefront of the automotive parts industry.

Delivery and Logistics: Ensuring Timely Service

In the UK, AUTODOC partners with Evri (formerly Hermes) for delivery services. This collaboration ensures that customers receive their orders promptly and reliably, further enhancing the customer experience. Efficient logistics are crucial in maintaining customer satisfaction and supporting the company’s reputation as a dependable retailer.

AUTODOC’s Vision Realised

The journey from a simple online shop selling headlight bulbs to a leading international retailer of car parts is a testament to the founders’ vision and commitment. By focusing on affordability, quality, and customer empowerment, AUTODOC has not only carved out a significant niche in the automotive market but also made a meaningful impact on the lives of countless vehicle owners.

The company’s ongoing efforts to innovate, educate, and support its customers ensure that it remains a trusted partner in car maintenance and repair, embodying the ethos of making mobility accessible to all.

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