Far East Direct UK Ltd Delivery company tracking parcel
Contact Far East Direct UK Ltd for missing parcels
Far East Direct Ltd and their companies
Far East Direct are a company that operates multiple businesses including Easimat, Easipet, Easibee and Easigear (please feel free to click any of these which will give you direct details of how to contact the company you purchased from). Please be aware that Far East Direct UK sell their products on Ebay, Onbuy and Amazon so if you have purchased items from any of those platforms, we would always recommend contacting the customer services team there instead.
Products from Far East Direct have been known to come through Evri but as mentioned, if you experience any problems with your order such as delays, damages or if the package becomes lost in transit, the fastest way to a resolution is to contact the customer services team of whoever you purchased the item from as they can raise a claim against the courier company and do all the leg work on your behalf which will avoid any unnecessary stress for you!
Click here for more information on your Far East Direct UK Ltd parcel – track parcel